Friday, April 8, 2016

Before Your Child Gets Kidnapped

No one wants to talk about it. But thousands of children are kidnapped every year. Whether it’s by a relative or a total stranger, kidnapping happens every day and your child may be next. But you don’t have to sit ideally by and let it happen. With a few precautions and help from modern technology you can help save your child from being kidnapped and help authorities find them.

Some Precautions You Need to Take
You need to take a few precautions before it’s too late. One of the most important things you should do is to install a cellphone tracking service on your child’s phone. While they may not like the sound of it, having such a service track your child’s location with a cell phone spy camera at all times can help ensure that you can keep tabs on your child no matter where they are. These services can also pull up information about texts and calls the child has received. If, for example, the child is lost or kidnapped, you’ll be able to pull up GPS information about where your child is at all times. If the child is separated from their phone, you’ll be able to track whoever took their phone and figure out what happened.

While local law enforcement uses similar tools, it can be important to use these services yourself so that way you can remain one step ahead of your child’s kidnappers. The last thing you want to do is let your child be lost or hurt by someone and have absolutely no idea of how to help them. Any information your cell phone spy equipment pulls up should be given to the police in order to give them an idea of what they should do next.

Also make sure that your child has a good idea of how to protect themselves. Encourage them to take a friend or sibling along with them any time they leave home or school. Train them to be generally cautious of strangers or anyone who asks them to follow them. You may also benefit from teaching your children self-defense techniques. A teenager, for instance, should know how to use pepper spray and quickly deflect an attacker. Children should be encouraged to scream or yell for help if they’re pursued, assaulted, or don’t feel safe about a situation.
If Your Child is Kidnapped
No parent wants to deal with this nightmare. But if your child is kidnapped, there are important steps you need to take. They are listed here: 
  1. Don’t try to deal with your child’s kidnapper on your own. Always get the authorities involved. Don’t pay ransoms or give into demands either. Allow authorities to take action since they have the tools to effectively arrest and find kidnappers.
  2. Always stay vigilant. Make all notes of contact your child or their kidnappers are making with you. Don’t let your emotions get the best of you. The key is to keep helping your child’s police investigation and stay alert.
  3. Get your community involved as well. Tell your neighbors, friends, and other community members to watch out for your child and help in search efforts. Post on social media, make flyers, and stay on high alert. A friendly community member may be able to identify the child if they find them in public and with high awareness of the case, kidnappers won’t want to stay involved with holding the child hostage. Often times, many kidnappers will abandon the child and run away in order to avoid being arrested.
  4. When your child is recovered, it’s a cause worth celebrating for years. Make sure you take these important precautions and stay calm. And always keep cell phone spy app free of worry software so you never have to worry again.