Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Cell Phone Spying Software: Clues Of A Cheating Spouse

Are you looking to learn how to remote cell phone spy? You’re definitely not alone. A spouse with suspicions about their partner may want to know how else they could verify such feelings. There are a number of clues to look for when it comes to learning if your spouse is cheating or doing something they have no business doing behind your back.

Cell phone spyware is something many spouses are using to help confirm their suspicions.  When finding the right software for the device you want to monitor, it can give clear evidence of who your spouse is communicating with and what actions you should consider taking.  Along with using spyware for cell phones, the following points may offer more insight when trying to understand your spouse’s actions when it comes to their cell phone.

  • You can’t see the face of their cell phone because it is placed on the table or countertop face down. Most people don’t think about this aspect but when you are with a possible cheating spouse this may stand out.  If you know your spouse often lays their cell phone down on the countertop or table face up, it may seem strange when they put their phone face down instead.  Observe to see how often they do this and consider asking them what their reason is for doing so.
  • Your spouse is quick to delete text messages. Have you noticed your spouse is quick to do something about text messages received on their device?  They may be in a rush to get rid of them, but when you have cell phone spyware connected to the device you can learn right away who the messages are from.  You can also retrieve messages that were deleted.
  • They never let their phone be away from them (they keep it close to them regularly). It may seem a little awkward but some people actually keep their device close by when they are expecting a call.  It can be too much or look suspicious when your spouse doesn’t allow the phone to be too far away from them.
  • They take unusual steps to keep their device locked using a password. Some spouses actually share password information with their partner, especially when they have nothing to hide.  But, a spouse that suddenly starts keeping their phone locked without telling you could be hiding something they don’t want you to know.
  • They get jittery when a call comes in on their phone. It may seem obvious when you are sitting down and relaxed on the couch together and when the phone rings your spouse gets jittery and jumpy. They may be anxious about the call or act a little different when they pick up the phone to see who has called them.
  • They take incoming calls in another room. Usually a spouse doesn’t mind answering their cell phone when a call comes in no matter who it is or if their spouse is in the room at the same time.  But, when a spouse looks at their phone and then gets up and moves to another room, this could be a sign they don’t want anyone listening to their call including their spouse.
  • Their phone doesn’t ring because it is always silent or it vibrates. A spouse may notice their partner does not let their phone ring out loud and it vibrates.  The spouse may want to know why even if letting the phone ring to where others can hear is not a big deal.
  • They give a typical excuse of who was on the phone when you ask.  They may say something such as “oh, it was just a friend,” or “they had the wrong number.” 
  • Finally, if you’re in the need for a free cell phone spy software and want to learn how to spy on a cell phone free, keep in mind that Auto Forward is a more powerful cell phone spy app that has more powerful features and live customer service agents, which the free apps never offer.